The Very First Times , by Lara Sarcevic
Published in the journal Peeping Tom’s Digest #4:Paris, as part of the round table Very First Times, in which Lara Sarcevic participated as a recorder, this text is here presented in its entirety.
The original version of the text was not translated to English. An edited version is available in English in the journal.

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Drawings by Lucy Watts
Following the round table Very First Times, in which Lucy Watts participated
as a transcriber, her drawings were published in the journal Peeping Tom’s
Digest #4: Paris
. We present here a wider selection.






First Time

— Round table organized by Kathy Alliou, Sarina Basta and Peeping Tom
at the Cneai as part of CONVENTION: a proposition by the group Valuations dedicated to research in art. Very First Time is conceived as
a space of speech given over to artists and cultural actors of all generations, in particular to students and recently graduated artists from
French art schools. GUESTS: Michel Aphesbero and Danielle Colomine (4 Taxis), Valérie Pihet, Eva Barto, Quentin Euverte
(Collectif Fruitella Society). TRANSCRIBERS: Lara Sarcevic, Lidwine Prolonge, Lucy Watts and Jade Boyeldieu d’Auvigny.
: Sarina Basta - MODERATION: Kathy Alliou





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La ou les scènes…* by Quentin Euverte
Invited as a participant in the round table Very First Times, Quentin Euverte here offers a retrospective contribution in line with his intervention (cf. Lara Sarcevic’s text, intervention N°12).
This text was not translated to English.

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Lidwine Prolonge, Capture Capture, 2016. Vidéo, color, no sound, 166 min.

This video was primarily produced during the action Capture Capture on March 28th, 2015. It is a screen recording of the duration of the round table, 166 minutes. A cut was made on April 27th 2016, between 43’2 and 49’40: it cancels and replaces the original excerpt, as the images couldn’t be diffused during this frame. It contains an error regarding the date that will not be corrected.

Graft for the round table Very First Times, March 28th, 2015, from 4 to 6:45 pm,
at the Cneai.
PANOPLY Buttoned up black raincoat, opaque black tights, black heels,
throughout the whole day.
ACTIONS Back to the audience, sitting at the table:
1. Quickly retranscribe the maximum of exchanged words;
2. If not, summarize;
3. Quickly retranscribe the elements of the framework (subjective and objective);
4. Comment on 1,2,3 with visual interventions.